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All parents are given a copy of the Parent Handbook on their child's enrolment at the Centre. Additional copies can be requested at the front office. Topics covered in the handbook include:
1. Introduction
2. Philosophy and Aims
3. Enrolment
4. Priority of Access
5. Fees
6. Helping Your Child Settle In
7. Arrival and Departure
8. Lockers and Pockets
9. Day-to-Day
10. Parent Involvement
11. Behaviour Management
12. Programming
13. Child Portfolios
14. Interactions
15. Health and Hygiene
16. Medication
17. Accident/Incident Procedure
18. Sick Children and Infectious Diseases
19. Bus Travel
20. Emergency Evacuation Procedure
21. Storage of Potentially Dangerous Products
22. Management Committee
23. Policies
24. Visitors
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